Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Giving it a whirl

Well, it's been over a year since I started this blog thinking that I might want to try blogging again. It seems like I wasn't very committed when I started. :)

Everyone has to start somewhere, so I am going to start with this Pinwheel Dress that I (finally) made for Kid A. As soon as she saw the cover of this pattern, she wanted this dress. And here I am (over a year later) finally making one for her. For the record, I didn't start it over a year ago. I only started it a month or so ago.

This is not my first time making this pattern (I made her sister the tunic last spring). Last time I remember being careful with the "v" in the front and things going ok. This time, however, I struggled with both. As I was struggling with the second one, I remembered that I had made a 4 and lengthened both the dress and the tunic by an inch so it wouldn't be too short on my 6.5 year old. I wonder if I made some errors when adjusting those pattern pieces. The only other change that I made was to lengthen the lining of the dress. The white that I used for the top is a little sheer and I expect that she will want to wear only the dress on some of our hot summer days this year.

She is happy with it. And I think the puppy approves too. I think that this one will get a lot of wear!

Pattern: Pinwheel Dress by Oliver and S
Size: 4 lengthened by 1 inch (I think. Maybe it was 2....)
Fabric: I forget. :)

Monday, February 18, 2013


I started a blog a few years ago. It was supposed to be a blog about crafting (sewing, knitting, cooking- and anything else that I decided to take up.) When I started the blog, I was a (part time) working mom. I had one baby girl. And most of the stuff that I was interested in talking about was related to my sewing, knitting, and cooking.

But then I had another baby. And I quit my job. And I became a stay at home mom to 2 wonderful girls. And the old blog didn't seem to fit. I wanted to talk more about the challenges that I had being a mom. About parenting philosophy and style. And then my 3.5 started taking violin lessons. And I wanted to start sharing ideas on how to have an effective violin practice with a 4 year old (this takes creativity!!). And then my husband and I decided that we were going to home school our girls. And I had more stuff that I wanted to talk about. So I still want to talk about sewing and knitting and stuff. But I also want to talk about being a mom and a home school teacher.

So I don't know if anyone will want to read. I don't even know if I will be consistent about writing. But I will try. And who knows, maybe now that I am starting up again, I will actually only be interested in sharing my sewing and crafting pursuits. And if that is the case, I'll be ok with that. :)